Friday, September 11, 2020

Tribute To An Inspiring Boss Mother And Environment Enthusiast Taking A Bow.

Mummy Olanubi JA, who will take your place?
My sterling teaching career could not have begun with any other personality.
Freshly employed and deployed into your tender hands 3 years ago, I am proud to say that you've nurtured me to be one of the best on the job.  
The very first day we met in Army Children Junior High School, one of the most populous schools in Epe, you told me, "be firm but friendly, dedicated and hardworking", which has formed my guiding principles. 
Who will take your place?
"There is reward in every labour", "He who watereth shall be watered", are your motivational quotes which inspires my attitude to work.
You gave me the opportunity to thrive in other areas other than the class room. 
You were my unshaken pillar of support till the very end, pushing me to break new grounds.
There is nothing impossible in your dictionary.
Who will replace you?
Your retirement marks the end of an unprecedented era of landmark achievements.
Even your imperfections make you more adorable to associate with. Your sincerity of purpose and emotional intelligence are unparalleled. Your love, care, compassion, and subtle words are unmatched. You even correct not with bitterness but love. 
Ours was a mother-son relationship as you were able to influence me to take ACJHS and this community to enviable heights in education. The torch of environmental, academic and moral legacies you are leaving behind will keep burning.
Who will replace you Mummy Olanubi?
It feels like having a service extension to drink more water of knowledge from your sea of experience but your time to rest is now.

I wish you a retirement of bliss with sound health, peace and divine grace. 
Cheers Mum🥂🥂🥂

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